Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Silence always makes me wonder if I made you up........


Well, I don't know if anyone even follows this anymore seeing as how I haven't even followed it myself for the last year.....BUT.......... I got tired of all the facebook drama and cancelled my account. I found myself falling into the black hole of posting what I was doing every second of my day. I finally realized how boring that actually was. I do miss it sometimes, but not enough to start over again. Many changes have happened to my little family throughout the last year. Sometimes we haven't really been a family, just a few people living together, but we are sticking it out. Last year about this time, we moved into my childhood home (actually, I think it would be my teenagehood home??). Mom and Dad got to the point that they couldn't (or wouldn't lol) take care of the place anymore so we bought the "big" house and they live in the in-law quarters. It works out fairly well, but we are still trying to sort out whose is whose. Katie graduated last June with a 4.1 GPA! We are very proud of her. She is currently attending Bible Missionary Institute in Rock Island, IL. We miss her waaaaay more than she misses us. She is dating a very nice young man. His name is Micah. He's a missionary kid! Grew up in the Phillipines. Jay went to prep school in Kentucky for the first semester of his high school career. Mama missed him too much so she brought him back home at Christmas. It's been an adjustment, but I'm so glad he's here to help me out. Robert is still working for Coty. He's been there almost 20 years! I've never even lived in one state that many years let alone worked at one place for that long! Just recently the plant went through some major overhauls and Robert was moved to 2nd shift. This is proving to be a HUGE adjustment for all of us. God will give us the grace........ As my great friend LeeAnn in New York would say......TTFN! You figure it out! :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I'm never moving again!!! (Lord willing) This has been the worst move ever! I thought it would be easy.......that's what I get for thinking!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I wanted to post this picture right after we had our snowstorm, but I couldn't locate the USB cord. I found it today! I know my "yankee" friends won't be too impressed with this, but this was the first substantial snowfall we had had in almost 5 years! We got almost 6 inches.